
George Gamboa


Pampanga, Philippines


Independent Baptist Church & Village Churches

San Luis, Pampanga

  • Salvation Testimony

    I was raised in the Catholic religion. But growing up, I became rebellious and looked upon as the black sheep in my family. In my teenage years, I was addicted to many vices– smoking, drinking, and even illegal drugs. I had no direction in life and was only interested in what makes me happy for the moment. But deep within, I had no peace, no joy. I was empty. Somehow, I wanted to change but I could not quit my addictions. In ignorance, I even tried to follow a friend to a Catholic seminary where he enrolled thinking I would find direction in life and be set free from my addictions. But I was surprised to find out that my friend became worse when I met him again. I concluded that religion was not for me. I began rejecting God’s existence and I lost all desire to change. So, I just continued with my addictions, then I began to get in trouble.


    One time, another friend and I got in trouble with a man and almost killed him. This man wanted to take revenge and planned to kill us. When I found out, I made plans to hide. I was afraid to die. It was then that I heard of my aunt passing away. In the Philippines, it is common to hold wakes in homes, which can last for a few days to a week. I didn’t plan on going, but because of my situation I decided to go and hide there for just a while. Every night, there was a service and a pastor preached. I didn’t pay any attention because I thought it was nothing but religion. I was busy smoking and drinking.


    On the last day of the wake, one visitor approached me and started talking to me. He followed me around and I noticed that he always carried a Bible and Gospel tracts with him. As the day progressed, I became tired and wanted to take a nap where no one could bother me. To my surprise, he offered to help me find a spot where I can take my nap. Before he left, he asked if he could share an important message from the Bible for a few minutes. I had no choice but to listen in appreciation for his help.

    He asked me, “If you die today, are you sure of going to heaven?” I thought to myself, “We were in a wake, there is a death threat on me and now he is talking about death?” I answered him I wasn’t sure. He then handed me a Gospel tract wherein there was a picture of a man burning in Hell and is tormented. Underneath the picture was Romans 6:23, “For the wages of sin is death...” He opened his Bible and explained to me what ‘death’ meant in that verse. He showed me two kinds of death in the Bible, first was physical death but in that verse it meant the second, which was spiritual death-forever separated from God.


    Fear came upon me as never before. If I died at that moment, with all my sins, I will go to hell. He continued to read Romans 6:23 where it said, “but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” He told me that God loves me as it is written in John 3:16. He explained that our Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross of Calvary for my sins. He explained that religion and good works cannot save me, but only by the grace of God. The Holy Spirit was convicting my heart. I feared death. I didn’t want to go to hell. That day, I accepted Jesus Christ in my heart as my Savior. I finally felt joy and peace in my heart I never had before. God filled the emptiness in my life because of the Spirit of God dwelling in me. I will never forget that day, January 28, 2008 in the afternoon, I received the Lord Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.

  • Calling & Training

    After I got saved, I surrendered my life to the Lord at the age of 21 years old. In 2008, I became a church worker and after that the Lord gave me the privilege to become the Youth Pastor and the Associate Pastor of our church, Galilean Independent Baptist Church under the leadership of Pastor Niczon Jay Edrosolam.


    In 2010, I enrolled at the Fundamental Baptist College for Asians at Tarlac, Philippines to learn more about the Bible. In 2014, I graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Theology. In September 2014, God gave me the privilege to further my training at Marietta Bible College in Marietta, Ohio under Dr. Myron Guiler. I thank God for this great blessing!

  • Ministry Experience

    When I surrendered my life to the Lord, I quickly became involved in the ministry. I learned that soul winning is not just a church activity but what every born again child of God must do. I had the privilege of leading members of the church in soul winning by knocking on doors and distributing Gospel tracts.


    God gave me the opportunity to minister to four villages to preach the Gospel, to teach children the Word of God and feed them not only physical food but spiritual food by the grace of God.


    As a youth pastor, I had the opportunity to train young men and women to serve the Lord. Some of them are now Pastors, Sunday school teachers and professional teachers for the glory of the Lord! I thank God that He used me to affect the lives of these young people through His word and His grace.

 "And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for

that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry;"

I Timothy 1:12

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Marietta, OH 45750 USA




5085 Matatalaib

Tarlac City 2300, Philippines