
David Tulabot


National Capital Region, Philippines


Independent Baptist Church

Lagro, Quezon City

"Submit yourselves therefore

to God. Resist the devil,

and he will flee from


James 4:7

  • Salvation Testimony

    I was blessed to be born and raised in a Christian home, but even so, it was a blessing and curse. It was a blessing because I had everything a loving family could give. A curse because I thought I never needed anything else in life. I thought that I was good enough, loved enough, and even religious enough to get to Heaven. I knew the words to say, the songs to sing, the prayers to pray, and the verses to go with all of them, not knowing I was heading straight to hell.


    One night, we finished the service, we said the prayer, we sang the closing song, and headed straight back home. It was like any other night. While my father was driving, they were talking about the “final battle” in the end times. Being a child, I was intrigued and jumped off my seat and said, “It’s a good thing I’ll be in heaven, because you guys are there!” My mom looked back at me and said, “That’s not how you get to Heaven, honey.” My heart dropped. I started crying and panicking, because I didn’t know how. When we got home, my mom took me in a room and explained to me the Gospel of Christ. It finally made sense. All the invitation, all the prayers, and all the crying was because getting to Heaven wasn’t because of one’s works or goodness, it is because God loves us so much that He gave His Son Jesus Christ for us, as it is written in John 3:16. It’s not because my parents were Christians, or that I was raised in a Christian home. It is because Jesus Christ died for me on the cross to save my soul. That night on June 10, 2005, I received my Savior Jesus Christ.

  • Calling & Training

    I never saw myself doing anything else but be a servant of God. I grew up seeing the ministry from a pastor’s kid’s point of view. Even though some find the ministry hard, God gave me a heart to love souls more than the difficulties in life. My vision for the ministry is to be able to plant churches not only in one place, but in every place where people need it. It might not happen today, tomorrow, or even in the next five years, but I guarantee you I WILL NOT STOP.

  • Ministry Experience

    Since I grew up in the ministry, I was blessed early on to be involved in the ministry of my father. I was able to teach kids that were unable to go to school because of poverty and corruption in the Philippines. Every year, we have Vacation Bible School in which at least 5,000 kids and adults attend. We were also able to feed and minister to around 900 kids per week. Through this ministry, we have seen many souls saved for the glory of the Lord.


    I was able to go back to the Philippines last December 14, 2017 and stayed there until January 12, 2018. Through the course of my trip, God laid upon my heart that I should not stop working for Him. With the blessing of God, we were able to hold a Youth Fellowship. We expected to have around 300 kids, but God had other plans. On January 6, 2018, we had an attendance of 354, including the 50 that responded to the Gospel of Christ.

United States

(740)374-5748/ 373-8915

(740) 568-0891

Fax: (740) 374-5720




United States

103 Masonic Park Road

Marietta, OH 45750 USA


5085 Matatalaib

Tarlac City 2300, Philippines