
Ralph Raulen Sarzaba


Tarlac, Philippines


Independent Baptist Church

Mayantoc, Tarlac


there is no vision,

the people perish..."

Proverbs 29:18

  • Salvation Testimony

    I was born and raised in the Philippines. Growing up, my parents brought me to church every Sunday. I remember attending Sunday school and my teacher always told us stories in the Bible. Every Sunday, before we leave she will tell us the way of salvation. I didn’t pay attention on what she was saying because I know my parents were already very faithful to the church, they will go to heaven and because of that I’ll go to heaven too. Years later, my Sunday school teacher died and I realized that there was no longer a Sunday school teacher that will teach me and tell me about salvation anymore. The word ‘death’ became real to me. I realized that everyone will die at some point. I became afraid of dying.


    It was Saturday afternoon of May 2005, we were in a Bible study and my dad preached. That hour, everything that I heard from him was as if he was talking only to me and sharing the very simple plan of salvation. When he asked if there was anyone who wanted to accept the Lord as personal Savior, I raised my hand. My dad talked to me about raising my hand. I told him I haven’t accepted Jesus and I was afraid to die. He took me aside and explained to me salvation, what Christ did on the cross for me and I remembered the things my late Sunday school teacher told us before. My parents’ faithfulness in attending church or service for the Lord will not take me to heaven. It is through the blood of Jesus that saves. That day, I asked the Lord Jesus Christ in my heart and accepted Him as my personal Savior. Since that day I have the assurance that whenever death will come, I am 100% sure I will be in heaven someday with my Lord. To God be the Glory!

  • Calling & Training

    When I graduated high school in 2010, I had already decided that I will not become a pastor like my dad because I’ve seen the hardships in the ministry. He became a pastor in 2007. So I enrolled in a secular college and took mechanical engineering. After a week, even though I was accepted in the college, I didn’t feel any excitement. It was a hard time for me because I knew in my heart that God was calling me to preach His word. It is true that we can run but we cannot hide from God. After some time, I realized that I cannot run from God anymore. So I decided to follow God’s will in my life by enrolling at the Fundamental Baptist College for Asians in Tarlac City, Philippines. Little did I know, my parents were already praying that I will answer God’s call in my life.


    While studying at the Bible college, I became the youth pastor of our church and in my senior year, I became the president of the student body in the Bible College. In 2014, God gave me a great opportunity to further my knowledge of the Bible and training at Marietta Bible College in Marietta, Ohio under the leadership of Dr. Myron Guiler. I thank the Lord for the privilege to be trained by great preachers and humble servants of the Lord.

  • Ministry Experience

    I thank the Lord for allowing me to be involved in the ministry at a very young age. When I was a kid my parents were always in church on weekends and did church visitations. I helped them to invite kids in the streets and to gather them to hear Bible stories and sing Bible songs.


    While I was studying at Bible college, I became the youth pastor of our church. My pastor also gave me opportunities to teach Sunday school and to preach on Sunday services. It’s a great joy to be used by God in many ways. We have a soul winning group that gathers every Saturday to go to the streets to preach the Gospel, to knock on doors, to distribute Gospel tracts, and to teach kids in the streets and feed them.


    It’s a great joy to see people getting saved and lives being changed by God almighty. Some of the kids that I used to teach are now the workers of our church. Our labour is not in vain in the Lord.


    I thank the Lord Jesus who hath enabled me, for that He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry. I am so grateful and amazed how God works mysteriously in a lot of ways. While I studied at Marietta Bible college, God has given us opportunities to reach the community. We were able to do street preaching, minister to people in nursing homes, do home Bible studies, tracts distribution, knock on doors, soul winning, and discipleship trainings. I was also the driver of the church bus routes every Saturday and Sundays.


    As a Filipino, the desire to reach my fellow Filipinos is in my heart. On August 8, 2017 while we were in New Jersey, we distributed Gospel tracts and we met an Asian guy. We were able to witness to him and he accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his Lord and Personal Savior. I thank the Lord because He is still in the business of saving souls.

United States

(740)374-5748/ 373-8915

(740) 568-0891

Fax: (740) 374-5720




United States

103 Masonic Park Road

Marietta, OH 45750 USA


5085 Matatalaib

Tarlac City 2300, Philippines