
Tony Sagubay


Pangasinan, Philippines


Bethesda Baptist Church & Village Churches

Umangan, Mangatarem, Pangasinan

"I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."

Philippians 3:14

  • Salvation Testimony

    I was born and raised in the Philippines. I grew up in a Christian home. My family were all Christians and were serving faithfully in church. My late father served as a faithful deacon, my mother was a choir directress in our church, and my brother and sisters were all members in the church and were all active choir members and in other ministries of the church.


    In spite of that, as they were all faithfully serving the Lord, I did not want to be apart of what they were doing. I became rebellious and was the problem child in our family. I remembered the many times I broke my mother’s heart because of my wrong doings. At the age of 12, I chose to go with the wrong people and with wrong friends. I learned how to smoke cigarettes and drink liquor. I even learned how to steal and even tried using drugs. This continued as I became a teenager.


    But I really thank the Lord that he gave me Christian parents, and that they never gave up praying for me. It was September 6, 1992, that the Lord answered their prayers. I heard a pastor preach about death and God’s love. That night, I couldn’t sleep. I was asking myself if I died that day at that very moment where was I going? That question troubled my mind, until 3 o clock in the morning. The Holy Spirit was convicting my heart. I finally knelt down, and I surrendered my life to God. I accepted the Lord as my own and personal Savior. After that, the Lord gave me peace that I have never had before. I finally had the peace of mind. Thank you, Lord, for saving my life. I finally became happy and I wanted to serve the Lord like how my family was serving Him.

  • Calling & Training

    After I got saved, I felt God calling me in His work. But I didn’t want to be a pastor. I did not want to be involved in the ministry. I tried to run away from His calling. One night, I was attacked by a man. I did not have any serious injuries, but I realized that God has a purpose of sparing my life from danger. The Lord touched my heart, and I couldn’t run away from it anymore. So the morning after that, I decided to go back home, and tell my mother that I want to enroll in a Bible school. My mother cried and hugged me and said her prayers were answered. But the devil did not stop from challenging my faith. When I decided to serve the Lord in full time service, our Muslim neighbor came in our house and burn all my belongings including my Bible. We lived in an Islamic neighborhood and our house was beside their mosque so they hated me for serving my Lord. But by the grace of God, I am now serving him in spite of many trials I’ve encountered.


    In 1992, I enrolled and studied in Mindanao Bible School, a Bible School in Malaybalay City, Bukidnon, Philippines. When I graduated, I pursued my studied at Golden State School of Theology for a Bachelor’s Degree, at Rabon, San Fabian, Pangasinan, Philippines. With God’s provision I was able to finish my course in the year 2001. I worked as an assistant pastor in Calvary Baptist Church in San Jacinto, Pangasinan under the leadership of Pastor James Carlos. I experienced many ups and down in the ministry, but I’m always encouraged by my wife to continue serving the Lord no matter what happens. I really thank the Lord for giving me a faithful wife, my partner in the ministry, who always prays for me and the ministry. In 2006, I took the challenge of becoming a full time pastor of Bethesda Baptist Church, Mangatarem, Pangasinan.

  • Ministry Experience

    In 2006, I became the pastor of Bethesda Baptist Church in Mangatarem, Pangasinan.


    Soul winning is very important in our ministry. Using every opportunity we get, we go out and do soul winning and distribute Gospel tracts and witness to people. We also conduct Bible studies in homes and share the Word of God.


    We thank God for allowing us to teach children in outreaches or centers. In these children centers, we gather children and teach them about the Bible. Also, through sports evangelism, we are able to reach to young people in our community and share to them the Gospel.


    I’ve learned many things in the ministry. God showed me that I cannot do the work alone. I prayed for men and women who will work with me in the ministry and the Lord listened to my prayers. Three of our young people surrendered their lives to full time ministry and entered Bible college. Two of them already graduated and are now helping the ministry. Through the help of these men, we are able to reach even far flung baryos or communities in the mountain side and the river side.


    We regularly conduct Family Development Seminar (FDS) in our town. FDS is a government initiative. The church’s part and main purpose is to uplift the spiritual condition of the beneficiaries. This partnership enabled me to preach the Gospel to the poorest people in the villages. Please pray that we can continue this ministry in reaching communities with the Gospel.


    The ministry in Bethesda Baptist Church continues to grow because of the Lord’s faithfulness. We thank the Lord for touching the lives of people with His Word. It is a great privilege to serve the Almighty!

United States

(740)374-5748/ 373-8915

(740) 568-0891

Fax: (740) 374-5720




United States

103 Masonic Park Road

Marietta, OH 45750 USA


5085 Matatalaib

Tarlac City 2300, Philippines