
Jeriel Nolasco


Aurora, Philippines


Independent Baptist Church

Dinalungan, Aurora

 "For to me to live is Christ,

and to die

is gain."

Philippians 1:21

  • Salvation Testimony

    I was born and raised in the Philippines. I grew up in a Christian family. My father is a pastor and my mother is a Sunday school teacher. Being a pastor’s kid is not easy and honestly speaking, I didn’t like it because people look on you especially when you make a mistake. As a pastor’s kid, I heard my father speak every Sunday behind the pulpit. But I couldn’t understand what he was saying because I was only a child. I didn’t know what salvation was. I didn’t know what life was. I don’t remember my father explaining to me about what he was preaching about even though he was teaching it to other people. Maybe he was just too busy. Every day he went out to minister to people. So my mother and I were left at home.


    One day, my mother told me to go to the attic of our house. I thought she was going to tell me another Bible story because that was where we would always go when she did. I was so excited. But that day, she did not tell me a Bible story. She asked me a question I haven’t heard before. She said, “If you die right now, do you know where your soul is going? As a 7 year old child, I did not know what she was talking about. I told her no. My mother explained to me what salvation is and how to get saved. Even though I’m just a kid, the Holy Spirit opened my mind and my heart to understand what my mother was talking about. And still, even right now, I can remember what she said to me on that day. She said to me that our life is like a vapor that appears for a little time then vanishes away. We can die any moment, even a kid like me. And if we die and do not have salvation, we will go to hell. But God loves us so much. My mother told me that God loves me more than she loves me. He gave His only begotten Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins. So that we don’t have to go to the punishment that is called hell, but we can have everlasting life through Jesus Christ our Lord. I can still remember the verse she quoted from the Bible. In John 14:6, it is written, "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." My mother asked me if I wanted to pray, she didn’t force me to do anything. She said, “If you want to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, follow the prayer that I’m going to say, I’m just guiding you. But own it as your own prayer that just you and God are talking right now.” That day, January 22, 2003, I received the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Savior.


    My life changed when I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ. My life was never the same. Now I can understand why my father preached every Sunday, and why my mother taught in Sunday school. I fully understand why they did what they were doing. It is to win souls for Christ. To tell that there is a Savior who died for our sins. I thank God for saving my soul, giving me the privilege to serve Him and to share others what I know about the good news. To God be the glory!

  • Calling & Training

    Growing up in a Christian family who was serving in full time service, I’ve seen the hardships and sacrifices my parents went through in the ministry. But even though there were hardships, I also saw the joy in my parents in serving the Lord. I saw their burden for lost souls. God touched my heart to also have that burden. I surrendered my life to the Lord to become a missionary.


    My first involvement in the ministry was playing the piano for our church during our services. Then, I became involved in the children’s ministry. I was given the opportunity to teach children about Jesus, the Bible, and how to pray and sing songs for God. As years went by, I was given a privilege to lead the youth group in our church and other ministries. God put a burden in my heart to do more for Him.


    To be more trained in the ministry. I enrolled at Fundamental Baptist College for Asians, a Bible College in Tarlac City, Philippines in 2010. In year 2014, I was given the opportunity to be a scholar at Marietta Bible College in Marietta, Ohio to further my training and studies. I am currently taking up my Master’s Degree in Pastoral Theology. With God’s grace, I will be finishing my studies in 2018 and will be going back to the Philippines.

  • Ministry Experience

    The Lord gave us a great commandment to preach the Gospel to every creature (Matt 28:19-20). I praise God for the privilege to be able to share the Good News to the lost and see them accept Jesus Christ as their Savior. I was able to go on soul winning and lead young people to knock doors and distribute tracts. Also through teaching children in the streets and villages, the Word of God was preached.


    In 2010, I was given the opportunity to help start a church in San Vicente, a village in Laur, Nueva Ecija in the Philippines. I thank the Lord for the life of my father who surrendered his life to full time ministry and to start a mission work there. There, I learned many things about the ministry. Starting a church is not easy, but it is the Lord’s ministry and not the work of man. The Lord saved souls and blessed the ministry.


    As the ministry in San Vicente village grew, I was given an opportunity to disciple young believers in the Word of God and encourage them to serve the Lord. Aside from regular Sunday worship services, we held a young people’s program every Sunday afternoon in San Vicente. By the grace of God, many believers became more involved in the ministry in the church and until now, they are serving the Lord faithfully.


    I was also given the opportunity to disciple and lead young people in our church. I thank God because He used me to encourage them as they grew in faith that together we may continue serving the Lord.

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United States

103 Masonic Park Road

Marietta, OH 45750 USA


5085 Matatalaib

Tarlac City 2300, Philippines