
Joshua Mejia


Pangasinan, Philippines


Independent Baptist Church

Mabini, Pangasinan

"Let your light   so shine before men, that they may see your good works,   and glorify your Father which is in heaven."

Matthew 5:16

  • Salvation Testimony

    I was born and raised in a Christian family. My father is a pastor and I basically grew up in church and in the ministry. Growing up, I already believed that there is a heaven and a hell. I heard many stories from the Bible and I tried my best to follow all the good things I heard. I believed that I was a good kid and that I will go to Heaven because of my good works.


    But one night, after our supper, my dad talked to my siblings and I about our salvation. He asked us one by one if we want to go to Heaven. As far as I knew, Heaven is a good place, so I said yes. But then he asked another question, “How can someone go to heaven?” I didn’t say anything but there were ideas that came into my mind how to get to heaven and it was all about my good works. My dad then told us that going to Heaven is not about religion and not even our good works. Salvation is through Jesus Christ– He died, was buried and in the third day He rose again. Through His blood, I can be cleansed from my sins. My good works will never help me to go to heaven, Jesus is the only way to go to Heaven.


    Right there, I realized that I needed Jesus as my personal Savior. I thought all along that I was saved but I was not because I didn’t have Jesus in my heart. As we prayed, I personally asked Jesus and accepted Him as my Savior. Since that day, I no longer thought I was going to Heaven because I was a good person, it is because Jesus saved my soul forever.

  • Calling & Training

    When I entered high school, I had to deal with different people and a new environment. Because of the influence of those people, I did not live right. I knew I displeased God and disobeyed His Word. After I graduated from high school, our church held a youth training where young people were taught about the Bible. God spoke to my heart in our lesson about soul winning and how to use the Romans Road, a collection of passages that explains simple the way of salvation. The pastor told us that we need to experience salvation first and understand every verse in the Romans Road for it to be effective. That time, I realized how sinful I was living. I remembered how I got saved and it revived me. Through the course of that youth training, I learned many things. I was especially burdened to learn about the need for more soul winners and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was then that I surrendered my life to God to be used in full-time ministry.


    I decided to study at the Fundamental Baptist College for Asians in Tarlac City, Philippines. There I learned many things about the Bible and the ministry. In 2016, God opened an opportunity for me to study in Marietta Bible College in Marietta, Ohio and learn under the leadership of Preacher Myron Guiler.

  • Ministry Experience

    While I studying in Bible school, I was able to be involved in the ministry more. I was involved in Gospel tracts distributions, home visitations, children’s ministry, Summer Vacation Bible Schools, and Bible studies. God allowed me to help our main church and one of our local churches as a church worker.


    When I was in high school, I became the youth leader of our church. I led the young people’s fellowship and was able to assist and teach at Vacation Bible School. One of our teachers said, “The best you can give to a child is the love that comes from Jesus Christ.” These children are at an age where they are enjoying their time to play. For us to reach and show that love from Jesus Christ to children, we held children centers and Vacation Bible School where we taught them the Bible and also involve them in many games and activities as we care for them. I can say that the best feeling while you are teaching children is when they are listening to the stories. I hope that these children would not lose their curiosity and willingness to listen God’s word.


    Reaching and discipling children and young people is a challenge to me as a Missionary. The younger generation that we have in Philippines is not easy to approach anymore because of gadgets, televisions, and other technologies that take all their attention and pull them away from going outside like before. But there are still activities that young people are interested in like sports and fellowships, and we used those to share the Word of God to them and bring them to church and minister to them.


    I thank the Lord because while I am studying in the United States, I am also given the opportunity to be part of the ministry. I am able to minister to nursing homes to preach the Gospel and minister to the elderly with other students. As a student, I am also able to help out in the ministries of Marietta Bible Center Church such as in Vacation Bible School, summer camps, and leading the congregational singing in services. I believe all these experiences will help me in the ministry the Lord is leading me to do.

United States

(740)374-5748/ 373-8915

(740) 568-0891

Fax: (740) 374-5720




United States

103 Masonic Park Road

Marietta, OH 45750 USA


5085 Matatalaib

Tarlac City 2300, Philippines