
Ron Llana


National Capital Region, Philippines


Independent Baptist Church

Valenzuela City

"I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."

Philippians 3:14

  • Salvation Testimony

    I am a Filipino raised in the Philippines. From the moment I was born, the influence of the Roman Catholic religion was present. And so, my childhood was very catholic with its language, food, customs and religions. I was baptized into the Catholic church as an infant. I was entirely ignorant of this and ignorant of what the truth was.


    Often times, my parents would call for a spirit doctor every time I got sick. I have seen rituals held in our home; my mom would usually put candles and foods around the saints’ images as an offering. I wrestled with questions in my mind as these gods can’t eat, move or even talk. All I can hear from my parents is to do good and worship these saints so we can go to heaven.


    It was during a vacation Bible school held by a Bible believing church that I found out that even before we die, we can know for sure where our soul will spend eternity. I met the real God I was looking for. I repented my sins and accepted the Lord JESUS Christ alone as my Savior in May 6, 2008 when I was twelve years old. Now I know that I have eternal life through the blood of Jesus Christ as stated in the Bible.

  • Calling & Training

    When I was in high school, I attended a youth revival meeting and felt a sincere calling to be in a full-time ministry. My parents would always say that education is what they can only give me. I came from a poor family so I strived hard because I don’t want to fail them. Following my parents wish, I enrolled mechanical engineering in a secular college. I want to make them happy, but in myself I know I’m not. I can’t run away from God. He was still calling me even though I was not in His will. I thank the Lord for this.


    Without any hesitations, I entered Bible college at Fundamental Baptist College for Asians in Tarlac City, Philippines knowing it is the will of God for me. I started to be more involved in my local church and have come to realize my calling is located where my passion, gifts, needs and opportunities meet. I have no regrets in serving Christ.


    In 2018, a privilege came to further my training as a foreign scholar student at Marietta Bible College in Marietta, Ohio under the leadership of Dr. Myron Guiler. I thank the Lord for this blessing to learn from humble servants of God.

  • Ministry Experience

    In 2012, I started preaching and soon became the youth leader of our church. I thank the Lord for giving me the desire to preach the Gospel whenever there was a chance and the opportunities that I could share my faith in God. Simply going to church and saying prayers are not enough, people must have a new life in Jesus Christ.


    I worked as a youth director in a Christian school to help support myself when I started in the ministry. There, I was able to offer godly and practical counsel and support to young people who have experienced many hardships in life. I saw how these young people cried out in tears accepting Christ as their Savior. Hearing their stories of sexual abuse and drug addictions broke my heart. But seeing their lives changed and pouring out their heart to serve Christ has given me a great joy. This burdened me to reach more souls through Christ because the only hope we can find in this world is in Him.


    Every weekend, we go around to villages and nearby towns, usually walking for miles or using tricycles for transportation, to do soul winning, house to house Bible studies, and to knock on doors telling people about Christ. We also do feeding ministry to children to feed them physically and then spiritually by telling Bible lessons and sharing God’s Word.


    I am thankful for the opportunity given to me by our local government when I was in the Philippines to minister to the youth in public schools and indigent families in the villages of my town. These are called Youth and Family Development Sessions. The church’s part and main purpose is to uplift the spiritual condition of the beneficiaries. This partnership enabled me to preach the Gospel to parents, adults, and young people and teach them Biblical values. My heart was touched and burdened to preach the Gospel more.


    While studying at Marietta Bible College, we were able to minister to people in nursing homes, do home bible studies, tracts distribution, knock on doors, soul winning and discipleship. These have given me opportunities to reach the community. We were able to witness to the people and bring them to church. I thank the Lord because He is still in business saving souls. I also thank the Lord Jesus who hath enabled me, for that He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry.

United States

(740)374-5748/ 373-8915

(740) 568-0891

Fax: (740) 374-5720




United States

103 Masonic Park Road

Marietta, OH 45750 USA


5085 Matatalaib

Tarlac City 2300, Philippines