
Jess Cawili


Tarlac, Philippines


Fundamental Independent Baptist Church of Tarlac

& Village Churches

Matayungcab, Gerona, Tarlac

"I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."

Philippians 3:14

  • Salvation Testimony

    I am the fourth of nine siblings and was raised in a Catholic family at Nueva Ecija, Philippines. I was a devoted Catholic serving as a laymen believing I’ll go to Heaven because of what I do, but I was also addicted to drugs and alcohol at the same time.


    But one day, my childhood sweetheart (who is now my wife) shared the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and that became the eye-opener for me to find a church that can lead me to the Lord. It was in September 1997 when my pastor shared the simple way of salvation. I will never forget that day because that is the day I was born again and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ.


    Oh, what a great God who loves me even though I am a sinner. I can truly say He is my Savior and my friend and I will be with Him in Heaven someday. Glory to God!

  • Calling & Training

    After I got saved, I became very active in the ministry of the Lord. I always went to Bible studies with my pastor wherein I grew spiritually. I started teaching kids and young people. My pastor then challenged me to go to Bible school as he saw that I have a heart for the ministry. The Word of God penetrated my heart and my calling became clearer. God led me to go to Fundamental Baptist College for Asians in Tarlac City in November 1998. In preparation, I was a volunteer worker in our church for 5 years. At first I handled the youth, then college and career then I was able to minister to couples as a Sunday school teacher and finally on adults.


    I was an architect by profession and was the breadwinner of my family. It was a tough decision but God also proved that obedience is better than sacrifice. God has proven His goodness and faithfulness to me and my family. He used my skills also to provide for my family while starting our ministry.

  • Ministry Experience

    I thank God for using my pastor to challenge my heart to have compassion for the lost from children to adults. We believe that Jesus loves the little children. God gave us partners to feed these children; give gifts, apples, and supplies; and most especially teach them the Bible and share to them salvation.


    God opened opportunities to minister to young people. We were able to teach high schoolers in public schools on a daily basis with other pastors in Gerona. God has blessed us also to have youth campsite in Dingalan, Aurora where we gather almost 400 youths for our summer camps.


    I thank the Lord for the opportunity to minister to adults as well. We are conducting daily Bible studies and cell groups with adults. We also hold community Bible studies and couples cottage fellowship.


    By the grace of God, I have started 5 mission works under the ministry of the Fundamental Independent Baptist Church of Tarlac. In 2005, we started our first mission in Sinait. We started from nothing but the Lord added souls to His ministry. He used friends and brethren and we were able to purchase a property and build a church.


    In 2008, we started a mission work in Mapalad. In 2011, our 3rd mission work in Amacalan was started. We continued and in 2014, the mission work in Matapitap was started. We have local pastors who we have trained in the ministry ministering in these places.


    Now on my 5th mission work in Matayuncab, we are seeing people getting saved because God never changes. Jesus saves and He provides. He is still able to do great and might works.

United States

(740)374-5748/ 373-8915

(740) 568-0891

Fax: (740) 374-5720




United States

103 Masonic Park Road

Marietta, OH 45750 USA


5085 Matatalaib

Tarlac City 2300, Philippines