
Emmanuel Bereso II


Leyte, Philippines


Independent Baptist Church

Palompon, Leyte

 "And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry;"

1 Timothy 1:12

  • Salvation Testimony

    I was born and raised in the ministry. My parents are faithfully laboring for the Lord’s vineyard. My father has been pastoring a church for more than 30 years. He led me to the Lord when I was 8 years old, and I thank the Lord for saving my soul.


    Growing up in the ministry, I had witnessed God’s faithfulness and His sustaining grace. God also would allow trials in our lives to test us, break us, strengthen us, mold us, and for us to fully set our trust in Him. My parents had a huge impact in my spiritual life. They taught and showed me different ways of making myself useful in God’s ministry, but more importantly, that I must be obedient in God’s will in my life.


    Year 2013 when we experience the strongest typhoon ever recorded in the Philippines, Typhoon Haiyan. It destroyed everything in its path. It hit strongest in our island, Leyte It devastated the whole island, no clean water to drink, no electricity, all in total chaos. But God is still merciful. And it is in the time of grief and desolation, we experience that there is still hope in God. Our church was severely damaged and the people suffered greatly but God’s grace is sufficient. His promises are true, and His words became sweeter and pure. He never fails.

  • Calling & Training

    It is an honor to learn under the foot of my own father. I became an active youth leader and assistant youth director of our church. I finished a Bachelor’s degree in Nursing and became a nurse after on. It was when I had my community work where I saw the need of the people. God planted a burden in my heart to reach out to my own people and share God’s word.

    In 2016, I had the privilege to study God’s Word at Marietta Bible College in Marietta Ohio under the leadership of Dr. Myron Guiler together with my two brothers. Through the college we are given the opportunity to minister in nursing homes, distribute gospel tracts and sing as a choir in different churches.

  • Ministry Experience

    My Ministry Experience Coming Soon!

United States

(740)374-5748/ 373-8915

(740) 568-0891

Fax: (740) 374-5720




United States

103 Masonic Park Road

Marietta, OH 45750 USA


5085 Matatalaib

Tarlac City 2300, Philippines